For years gardeners wanted a large, beefsteak-type tomato that was delicious, early to bear, and highly disease resistant. Finally in 1994 those wishes came true with Big Beef. The large fruit has old-time tomato flavor and the vines are resistant to many of the problems that can discourage gardeners. The fruit is borne on vigorous, indeterminate vines from summer until frost. Compared to other beefsteak types, Big Beef is early and will set fruit reliably even in cool, wet weather. We harvest dozens of tomatoes from each plant in our Alabama test garden, where the harvest season lasts two full months and the growing conditions are very good. It grows well throughout the country, earning it an All America Selections designation in 1994; it has since grown to be a national favorite. Vines grow long, so give the plant the support of a tall cage or stake.
Resistant to verticillium wilt (V), fusarium wilt (F) races 1 and 2, nematodes (N), and alternaria stem canker (ASC), gray leaf spot (St), and tobacco mosaic virus (TMV).
For gardeners who enjoy plant history and interesting facts, Colen Wyatt, the breeder of this variety, was one of the most successful home garden vegetable plant breeders in the last half of the 20th century. He also bred Celebrity and Husky Gold tomatoes, which are both also AAS Winners.
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Big Beef Tomato
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Key Highlights
LightFull Sun
MaturesAt least 73 days after planting
Fruit Size12 to 16 Ounces
Plant Spacing36 inches apart
Plant HeightTall (48″+)
Planting TimeSpring, Summer
Pot MaterialGrowers
How to Grow
Learn how to grow tomatoes. Get tips about growing tomatoes in the ground, raised beds, or containers. Care for tomato plants from planting to harvesting.
View Growing Tomatoes Guide
Delivery Information
Bonnie Plants are carefully packed for secure delivery to your home. All plants are shipped safely in packaging that's 100% recyclable.
Shipping may not be available for all plant varieties.
Remove Packaging
Take each individual bonnie plant out of the box before carefully opening each individual plant's packaging. Be cautious of soil that may have shifted during transportation.
Check the Soil
Your plants were watered right before shipping, but they may have become thirsty during travel. If the soil is dry to the touch, give your plants a good drink before planting.
Adjustment Period
Let your plants get used to their new environment. Set them in a warm, sunny spot for 34 to 48 hours so they can recover from their trip before being planted.
1. Location, location
Find the right spot for your plant. Check each plant's tag for information on how much sun your plan's need. Growing tip: if your plant needs full sun, a south-facing area will give you the most sunlight. If your plan can grow in part shade, an east or west-facing window might be enough.
2. Soil & drainage
Making sure your container has holes to allow excess water to drain is vital to your plant's health! We recommend planting your Bonnie Plant in Miracle-Gro Potting Mix for containers, or Miracle-Gro Garden Soil for planting in ground.
3. Hungry plants
Feeding your plants is one of the best ways to improve your plant's health and maximize your harvest. We recommend feeding with Miracle-Gro plant food when you transplant, and feeding regularly following label directions for best results.
Where do my Bonnie Plants® come from?
Not far from where you are! We have over 70 growing stations spread across the country, so our plants don't have to travel far to make it to your garden. That means less time spent in transit, which is better for the plants and for the planet, too. What's more, each growing station grows varieties that tend to perform well in that particular region, so you don't have to wonder whether the Bonnie veggies and herbs you buy are suitable for the area you live in.
Does Bonnie sell GMO plants?
No. Every plant we sell is grown from non-GMO seed.
How do I know if a plant is suitable to grow in my area?
Most of the vegetable and herb plants we sell on this site can be grown outdoors throughout the Continental US - however it is important to transplant your starter plant at the right time based on the weather and climate in your area.
Many of our herb plants can also be grown indoors so long as you have sufficient light and water. If you grow herbs indoors, you will still need to transplant your herb plants into properly sized containers with added potting mix.
What is a USDA Hardiness Zone?
The 2012 USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map is the standard by which gardeners and growers can determine which plants are most likely to thrive at a location. The map is based on the average annual minimum winter temperature, divided into 10-degree F zones.
To learn more, visit
How do I care for my plants once I receive them?
Your plant will come with both a care sheet and a plant tag, which gives you information on plant spacing, watering, sunlight and other important considerations to get you started.
Bonnie also has in-depth "How to Grow" guides available here.
How often do I need to water my plants?
A good rule of thumb is an inch of water per week, either by rain or watering; in arid climates, double that. In hot weather, vegetables need even more water, up to about a half an inch extra per week for every 10 degrees that the average temperature is above 60 degrees. You can measure an inch of water by putting a rain gauge or other container under your sprinkler, soaker, drip, or other watering system. You've applied an inch of water when the vessel collects water an inch deep. Container gardens may need to be watered more frequently than in-ground garden beds, so check the soil each day and add water if the top inch or so of potting soil is dry.
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Big Beef Tomato
For years gardeners wanted a large, beefsteak-type tomato that was delicious, early to bear, and highly disease resistant. Finally in 1994 those wishes came true with Big Beef. The large fruit has old-time tomato flavor and the vines are resistant to many of the problems that can discourage gardeners. The fruit is borne on vigorous, indeterminate vines from summer until frost. Compared to other beefsteak types, Big Beef is early and will set fruit reliably even in cool, wet weather. We harvest dozens of tomatoes from each plant in our Alabama test garden, where the harvest season lasts two full months and the growing conditions are very good. It grows well throughout the country, earning it an All America Selections designation in 1994; it has since grown to be a national favorite. Vines grow long, so give the plant the support of a tall cage or stake.Resistant to verticillium wilt (V), fusarium wilt (F) races 1 and 2, nematodes (N), and alternaria stem canker (ASC), gray leaf spot (St), and tobacco mosaic virus (TMV).For gardeners who enjoy plant history and interesting facts, Colen Wyatt, the breeder of this variety, was one of the most successful home garden vegetable plant breeders in the last half of the 20th century. He also bred Celebrity and Husky Gold tomatoes, which are both also AAS Winners.
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